

劳动经济学双周学术论坛第216期讲座通知 发布时间:2025.03.21

讲座题目:Do Minimum Wages Reduce Job Opportunities for Blacks?

摘要:We provide a comprehensive analysis of the effects of minimum wages on blacks, and on the relative impacts on blacks vs. whites. We study not only teenagers – the focus of much of the minimum wage-employment literature – but also other low-skill groups. We focus primarily on employment, which has been the prime concern with the minimum wage research literature. We find evidence that job loss effects from higher minimum wages are much more evident for blacks, and in contrast not very detectable for whites, and are often large enough to generate adverse effects on earnings.

We supplement this work with additional analysis that distinguishes between effects of an individual’s race and the race composition of where they live. The extensive residential segregation by race in the United States raises the question of whether the more adverse effects of minimum wages on blacks are attributable to more adverse effects on black individuals, or more adverse effects on neighborhoods with large black populations. We find relatively little evidence of heterogeneity in effects across areas defined by the share black among residents. But the large disemployment effects for blacks coupled with strong residential segregation imply that that adverse effects of minimum wages are concentrated in areas with high concentrations of blacks.

主讲人:David Neumark 教授(加州大学欧文分校(UCI))




主持人:翁茜 副教授



David Neumark 是加州大学欧文分校(UCI)经济学杰出教授,同时担任人口、不平等与政策中心(Center for Population, Inequality, and Policy)的联合主任。他担任《城市经济学杂志》(Journal of Urban Economics)的联合主编、《IZA 劳动政策杂志》(IZA Journal of Labor Policy)的编辑,并担任多家期刊的编委。Neumark 教授在许多与公共政策密切相关的劳动经济学领域做出了重要研究贡献。他关于劳动力市场歧视的研究开创了测量歧视的新方法,并撰写了大量关于年龄歧视和老龄经济学的研究。作为“新最低工资研究”的早期贡献者之一,他的研究不仅关注最低工资对就业的影响,也关注最低工资对收入分配、人力资本与收入的影响,以及最低工资与税收减免政策之间的互补关系。