

劳动人事学院40周年院庆系列学术讲座暨人力资源管理系2023年春季学期半月谈学术论坛(第108期) 发布时间:2023.06.02

讲座主题:Blood Diamonds? OSS Contributors’ Response to the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica Scandal

主讲人:郑彦锋 副教授(香港科技大学)


讲座方式:线下 求是楼343会议室


主持人:毛凯贤 讲师



Abstract: Firms sponsor public projects to engage stakeholders in the hope of doing well by doing good. While prior research focuses on the extrinsic motivations of participating stakeholders, we examine their moral expectations. If a sponsor violates these expectations even in unrelated activities, our cognitive dissonance framework theorizes that stakeholders respond negatively and reduce the engagement. The disengagement is greater if they are less embedded in the project community or there are substitute projects. However, if stakeholders keep their engagement, they will employ cognitive work to justify and counterintuitively reinforce their engagement intention. Exploiting Facebook’s mass data scandal and analyzing open-source contributors’responses via a DiD approach on a two-stage matched sample, we find compelling evidence. Our study contributes to CSR research with practical implications.


郑彦锋,美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校博士,现任香港科技大学商学院副教授。郑博士的研究兴趣集中在企业战略及创新创业的交汇点,尤其关注高科技企业如何通过组织学习培养核心竞争力。他的研究成果在众多国际顶级学术期刊上发表,包括《Academy of Management Journal》、《Strategic Management Journal》等顶级期刊。他的研究多次获得知名学术会议大奖,比如百森国际创业会议最佳高科技与创新研究奖及英国管理协会最佳创新研究奖。郑博士自2013年起一直担任《Academy of Management Journal》编辑委员会委员并于2014和2016年获得最佳评审称号。