
职称职务:讲师 办公房间:求是楼446 办公电话:62511679 电子邮箱:kxm@ruc.edu.cn 所属教研室:人力资源管理研究领域
(1) 企业战略管理
(2) 企业社会责任
(3) 企业创新
(4) 战略人力资源管理
2018-2022 香港科技大学商学院,哲学博士 (管理学)
2019.08-2020.01 南加州大学马歇尔商学院,访问博士生
2016-2018 香港科技大学商学院,哲学硕士 (管理学)
2014-2016 中国人民大学公共管理学院,管理学硕士
2010-2014 华东师范大学公共管理学院,管理学学士
2012.09-2013.01 台湾政治大学公共行政学系,交换学生
2022.08-至今 中国人民大学劳动人事学院,讲师
[1] Mao, K., Lu, H., & Sullivan, B.N. (all three authors equally contributed). Forthcoming. The Paradox of Political Legitimacy: The Political Inclusion and Firm Strategies of Entrepreneurs. Asian Business & Management .
[2] Mao, K. & Gong, Y. (equally contributed). Forthcoming. The Contingent Effect of Private Entrepreneur Foreign Study Experience on Firm Innovation. Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
[3] Li, J.T, Mao, K., & Lu, P. Forthcoming. Doing Good, Feeling Good? Corporate Social Responsibility and CEOs’ self-perceived status. Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
[4] Sullivan, B.N., Mao, K., & Wang. H. Forthcoming. Constrained by Localized Attention Focus: The Negative Effect of Firm-specific Knowledge on Exploratory Firm Innovation. Management and Organization Review.
[5] Li, J.P., Zhang, L. L., & Mao, K. Forthcoming. A Dynamic Perspective on Job Knowledge Characteristics During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Management and Organization Review.
[6] Meng, Y., Mao, K., & Li. C. (2020). Validation of A Short-form Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire Instrument in China. Frontiers in Psychology , 10: 3031.
[7] Liu, B., Qi, L., & Mao, K. (2020). Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child? A Study on Employee Workplace Deviant Behavior. Nankai Business Review International , 11(1): 1-22.
[8] 毛凯贤, 李超平. (2018). 互动视角下道德领导与主动性人格影响新员工敬业度的作用机制. 科学学与科学技术管理, 39(12), 156–170.
[9] 李超平, 毛凯贤. (2018). 服务型领导影响工作繁荣的动态双向机制. 心理科学进展 , 26 (10), 1734–1748.
[10] 李超平, 毛凯贤. (2018). 变革型领导对新员工敬业度的影响: 认同视角下的研究. 管理评论 ,30 (7), 136–147.
[11] 毛凯贤, 李超平. (2015). 新员工主动行为及其在组织社会化中的作用. 心理科学进展 , 23 (12), 2167–2176.
[1] 李超平, 王桢, 毛凯贤. (2016). 《管理研究量表手册》, 北京:中国人民大学出版社,ISBN:978-7-300-23164-8.
[2] 李超平, 王桢, 胥彦,毛凯贤. (2020). 《管理研究量表手册》(第二版). 北京:中国人民大学出版社,ISBN:978-7-300-27702-8.
[1] 李超平, 毛凯贤. (2019). 服务型领导理论. 见李超平, 徐世勇(主编). 管理与组织研究常用的60个理论* (pp. 355-363). 北京:北京大学出版社. ISBN:9787301302514
(* denotes presenter)
[1] Mao, K., Zheng, J., & Yue, L. Q*. (2023). Corporate social-political activism in a non-Western context. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Warsaw, Poland; The 83th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.
[2] Mao, K.*, Zheng, J., & Yue, L. Q. (2023). Corporate side-taking in a non-Western context. The 10th Biennial Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research, Hong Kong, China.
[3] Mao, K.* & Sullivan, B.N. (2022). Winning a prestigious award and unethical behaviors of Chinese pharmaceutical firms. The 82th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, USA.
[4] Lu, H., Mao, K.*, & Yue, L. Q. (2021). (alphabetically listed). One China: When do multinational corporations concede to nationalistic activism. The 81th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (virtual).
[5] Mao, K.* (2021). Revisiting the relationship between corporate philanthropy and corporate financial performance in China: A replication of Wang and Qian (2011) in the new socio-economic environment. The 9th Biennial Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research (virtual).
[6] Li, J. & Mao, K.* (2020). Doing good, feeling well? Corporate social responsibility and private entrepreneur status perception. The SMS 40th Annual Conference (virtual), London, UK.
[7] Mao, K. & Gong, Y. (2020). Entrepreneur foreign study experience and firm innovation: Institutions and resources. The 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
[8] Mao, K.* & Sullivan. B.N. (2019). Firm-specific knowledge assets and different firm strategies toward external stakeholders. The 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.
[9] Sullivan. B.N. & Mao, K.* (2018). The negative impact of firm-specific knowledge on firm innovation. The 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, USA.
[10] Huai, M.*, Mao, K., Zhang, L. L., Jamison, J., & Feldman, G. (2018). When safety/efficacy is more important in predicting employee voice? A meta-analysis on the moderating effects of cultural factors and voice types. The 8th Biennial Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research, Wuhan, China.
2023.06 The 10th Biennial Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research, Hong Kong SAR
2022.08 The 82th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
2021.09 MIT Economic Sociology Job Market Showcase
2021.08 The 81th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (virtual), USA
2021.06 The 9th Biennial Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research (virtual)
2021.06 南京大学管理学院
2020.10 SMS 40th Annual Conference (virtual), London, UK
2020.08 OMT Doctoral Consortium, Academy of Management
2019.08 The 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA
2019.05 The 2019 International Symposium on Fueling the Proactivity by Emotion Energy: Prospect and Dialogue, Hong Kong SAR
2018.08 The 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, USA
2018.06 The 8th Biennial Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research, Wuhan, China
[1] 2023级人力资源管理本科1班班主任
[2] 美国管理学会(AOM)年会、中国管理研究国际学会(IACMR)双年会审稿人
[3] 期刊审稿: Management and Organization Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 心理学报
[4] 中国管理研究国际学会(IACMR)海外学生代表: Ph.D. Student Representative (Overseas), 2021 - 2023
[5] Student advisory board member, IACMR Young Scholar Development Series
[6] OBHRM百科 (OBHRM Encyclopedia) 发起人 (www.obhrm.net)
2023 IACMR, Best Reviewer Award
2022 中国人民大学杰出学者青年B岗
2020 香港科技大学, Dare to Care Doctoral Award
2019 香港科技大学, Overseas Research Award
2016-2022 香港科技大学, Postgraduate Studentship
2016 北京市优秀毕业生
2015 研究生国家奖学金
2015 中国人民大学优秀研究生
2014 上海市优秀毕业生
2013 华东师范大学特等奖学金
2013 住友商事奖学金
2013 华东师范大学优秀学生
2012 国家奖学金
2012 华东师范大学优秀学生干部
2011 国家奖学金
2011 华东师范大学优秀学生