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Corporate Development in the Age of AI: Collaboration Between Academia and Industry Experts

April 24, 2024


On the afternoon of April 24, 2024, the School of Labor and Human Resources at Renmin University of China successfully hosted the 'Forum on Digital Intelligence, New Workplaces, and High-Quality Corporate Development.' The event, held in Room 401 of the Lide Building, was co-organized with Mininglamb Technology, Miaozhen Academy of Marketing Science, and the Human Resources Professional Committee of the Labor Economics Society.

The forum focused on the deep integration and innovative application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of human resource management. It explored AI's potential to enhance organizational efficiency and improve work productivity, demonstrating how AI can become a driving force for high-quality corporate development. Experts and scholars analyzed AI applications in Chinese enterprises and among employees based on empirical data and real-world case studies. They examined the positive impacts and potential challenges of AI technology from multiple perspectives, including its profound implications for social structures, organizational behavior, and individual career development.

Following an opening address by Mr. Chen Yao, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Labor and Human Resources, Professor Li Yuhui presented the '2024 AI and Workplace Research Report: AI + High-Quality Corporate Development.' This report, a pioneering research achievement jointly produced by the Renmin University Workplace Research Project Team, Mininglamb Technology, Miaozhen Academy of Marketing Science, is the first in China to explore the impact and transformation of workplaces in the AI era.

Based on survey data from 1,591 Chinese professionals and in-depth literature analysis, the report systematically discusses the implementation and current application of AI strategies in the workplace across four key dimensions: social development, corporate transformation, personal career development, and future trends.

The report offers strategic recommendations for organizations on effectively applying AI technology to enhance organizational efficiency and provides practical guidance for employees on leveraging AI to improve personal work efficiency and career competitiveness. Additionally, it serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, aiding in better understanding AI technology trends to facilitate adaptive transformation of the labor market and promote economic structural optimization at the national level.

Notably, the report innovatively employed a human-machine collaboration model. Professor Li Yuhui's project team was responsible for the overall project design and main content of the report, while Mininglamb Technology's AI collaboration team handled the artistic design and text correction through human-machine collaboration.

In the keynote sessions, Professor Cheng Yanyuan from the School of Labor and Human Resources delivered an in-depth analysis on 'Constructing Harmonious Labor Relations Under Algorithmic Control.' She discussed how platform employment breaks traditional employment models and labor law regulations, elaborating on the challenges and progress in regulating platform employment through case studies. She proposed future policy directions, including reforming and improving the current labor law regulatory system, adhering to systematic thinking and holistic policies, and balancing labor market flexibility and security while ensuring the protection of platform labor rights and the development of the platform economy.

Professor Wang Zhen of the School of Labor and Human Resources examined the 'Impact of AI on Career Development' by analyzing AI's substitutive and enhancing effects on various professions. He discussed AI's potential impacts on employee work efficiency, emotions, creativity, team task distribution, and corporate training, projecting the future reshaping of work methods.

Mr. Sun Fangchao, Senior Vice President of Mininglamb Technology, in his speech titled 'Application and Practice of AI in Enterprises,' delved into the practical applications and achievements of AI technology in corporate operations. Through vivid stories of his interactions with 'Xiao Ming Assistant' (AI), Mr. Sun illustrated the practical operations and potential value of AI applications, expressing confidence in AI's role in shaping new digital workplaces and enhancing corporate efficiency.

The forum concluded with a roundtable discussion on 'Talent Development and Management Innovation in the Era of Generative AI,' moderated by Associate Professor Zhao Kai from the School of Labor and Human Resources. Professors Cheng Yanyuan, Li Yuhui, Mr. Sun Fangchao, and Mr. Zhang Xu, Vice President of Mininglamb Technology, discussed how AI technology impacts talent management, leadership development, and organizational structure changes.

The guests explored the construction of harmonious labor relations and the core of management—focusing on every employee's career happiness within the organization. The integration of AI not only brings technological innovation but also prompts a profound reflection on the essence of management. It emphasizes the importance of building harmonious relationships between humans and AI.

All discussions and findings are just the beginning, reminding us that no matter how technology advances, people remain the most valuable asset in an organization. AI development should enhance employees' work experience, increase their career happiness, and unleash individual potential, thereby promoting the rise of 'super individuals' and driving the entire organization towards a more efficient and harmonious future.

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